
Time is temporary
Time is temporary

What is time?  Time is a temporary phenomena that occurs in “space”.

Time is Temporary

Time is a temporary phenomena that occurs inside of  creation. Time is finite. “Space” is infinite. To understand time, we need to understand space. “Space” is not visible and therefore is hard to imagine. So, lets full the space with water to help us visualize what it is like.

What is Space?

Imagine space as a container, filled with water. A container with no boundaries, extending out forever, in every direction. It never ends.  This “container” has no beginning and no end. It has always existed and will always exist.  This is space.  This is the realm of the infinite.

Like water, the waves in space are connected in every direction. Space is “fluid” energy. It is hyper sensitive. If you touch a single spot, the information is transmitted to all of space.  An event anywhere is known everywhere.

As we keep imagining that the space is filled with water, now, imagine that a single point in the water was heated and  exploded into a bubble of air that occupies an area many times larger than the area that created it. That is creation.  It is where wave becomes matter. It’s kinda like when a popcorn explodes, kinda.

So what is time?

Time is a measure of the decay of the materials that were created inside that bubble. It may take billions of years to decay and look like forever, but in infinity, it’s merely, an electrical spark. One spark which is preceeded and followed by another, like a never-ending fireworks show.

What is Gravity?

Gravity is the contents of the bubble falling back towards the center of the “space” it occupies.

What is a Black Hole?

A black hole is the place where matter is converted back to wave .

What is the sun?

The sun is a hotspot in “space” where light (energy) is converted to matter. It’s like the opposite of a black hole.



what is time

(: as an exercise try to visualize infinity 🙂

Time: this is a work in progress, it is flexible and malleable, it’s tricky to talk about “space” because the terms that apply to the bubble may not apply to space, so I keep fine tuning my choice of words.

to be cont.